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Showing posts from January, 2021

Bayes and Bounds

[This is post 1 in the "Structure and Cognition" series; links to all the posts can be found  here ] I wanted to start writing this blog for weeks but was held up by an inescapable feeling that I couldn’t write anything until I had an idea for an introductory post where I explained the blog’s name and laid out the official Purpose of The Blog.  I intend(ed) part of that purpose to be exploring the structure of problems we face. We often struggle to solve problems not because they are difficult, but because the way they are presented is not well-suited to the mind’s problem-solving abilities. Ideally, we would just reframe the problem to a form that is more useful, but we’re really bad at doing that.  The irony is that the problem of writing my first post has exactly the structure that the name was supposed to convey, except I didn’t notice, because I wasn’t framing it the right way.  There is a space of possibilities for topics I might write about on this blog. Some ...